Minimum Housing Standard Inspections for Real Estate Business Owners and Managers

MHS Inspect is the first Queensland Minimum Housing Standards service to provide a bespoke inspection process that supports real estate business owners and property managers in ensuring your landlords’ investment properties are safe, secure and functional.

Our team of inspectors are dedicated to helping you keep your landlords properties compliant, so you can focus on building your business and managing your portfolio without worrying about any potential issues.

Advantages of Working with MHS Inspect

Trust the MHS Inspect team to provide you with a reliable and cost-effective inspection service. Let us help you protect your landlords’ investments and keep their properties compliant.

Property Managers

Lighten workload stress with a streamlined inspection process that allows you to focus on crucial tasks that demand your attention and expertise.

Optimise your inspection needs by ensuring all aspects of the Minimum Housing Standards are assessed in one go to safeguard your landlords legal obligations.

Ensure you're one-step ahead of any potential repair requests, demands or orders by knowing about any compliance issues first.

Proactively manage and prioritise your landlords maintenance and repair needs and expenditure where compliance issues are identified.

Have greater certainty that skilled knowledgeable inspectors are also checking previous repairs, and available to check new repairs.

Business Development Managers

Have the advantage of being able to assess a property for Minimum Housing Standards compliance before bringing it into the business.

Know the starting condition of your new landlords property backed up by a comprehensive report.

Reduce the risk of unidentified maintenance and repair issues immediately becoming an administration nightmare when bringing on a new rental.

Have a comprehensive report and evidence to justifiably remove a property from the rent roll for non-compliance or refusal to make attempts to progress repairs.

An opportunity to partner with a team of professional property inspectors that have built up a solid network of referral professionals, trade specialists and builders.

Minimum Housing Standards Inspector | MHS Inspect

A high quality inspection service for property management businesses

Our high-quality service gives you the ability to ensure that your landlords’ properties are professionally assessed against the new Minimum Housing Standards; Queensland legislation that will be enforced for new tenancies on the 1 September 2023 and all tenancies the following year.

The new legislation aims to ensure all Queensland rental properties are safe, secure and functional and provide tenants, residents, property managers and owners more clarity around the maintenance obligations for rental properties.

Bespoke Minimum Housing Standards inspection service for property managers

We understand the difficulty of balancing tenant demands around property maintenance and compliance with rental home standards to ensure a rental premises is safe, secure and functional. That’s why we have developed a bespoke inspection service that is a stress free way of ensuring your property portfolio complies with Queensland Minimum Housing Standards.

Our free “Information for Property Managers” brochure will help you better understand the new legislation and some of the underlying issues. Please contact us for a copy.

Minimum Housing Standard Inspection Service for Property Managers | MHS Inspect
Ensuring a landlord's property is in good repair | Minimum Housing Standards | MHS Inspect

Ensure a landlord’s property is in good repair and not a maintenance nightmare

Tenants now have the right to end a tenancy if a property is not in good repair within 7 days of entering, and from 1 September 2023 if it doesn’t meet the Minimum Housing Standards.

Having your landlords property inspected for compliance with the Minimum Housing Standards prior to taking on its management gives you reassurance that the property won’t require maintenance as soon as the tenant moves in and mitigates the risk of tenants requesting repairs to be done straight away.

Avoid maintenance disputes and the risk of repair orders being issued

Repair orders have been introduced as part of the legislation changes as an additional pathway for tenants to have repairs addressed in a timely manner.

Having your property portfolio inspected for compliance with the Minimum Housing Standards helps you get one step ahead. Knowing the level of compliance of your landlords rental property means you have a baseline report that will identify any issues before they can become a matter of dispute or risk to the tenant.

Avoiding Maintenance Disputes | Minimum Housing Standards | MHS Inspect
Identifying Problem Properties | Minimum Housing Standards | MHS Inspect

Identify problem properties before they become an administration burden

When you are responsible for hundreds of properties, even minor non-compliance issues can become an administration headache. We help our property managers by working with your management systems and processes and by identifying issues. The earlier issues are identified the better, as remedial measures and trade availability can take time to organise.

Our inspectors have decades of knowledge and experience in property maintenance that they will use in a practical approach to assessing if the property is safe, secure and functional. In only a matter of days our inspector will conduct a visual inspection of a property and provide you with a comprehensive findings report that you can discuss with your landlord.

Not sure if the work you’ve done is compliant, structurally sound and of good repair?

The new legislation prescribes requirements around a premises being structurally sound and in good repair. We understand not everyone has a property maintenance background and we also know skilled trades can be hard to find and costly. These constraints can create a difficult situation for property managers where a timely but ‘cost effective solution’ needs to be found. These cost effective solutions can produce unexpected non-compliance, and in some cases unsafe repairs, that can bring about further stress and additional rectification costs.

You can reduce this risk and stress. Our inspectors are experienced maintenance staff and able to identify sub-standard or unsafe repair works which might not only be a safety risk to the tenant but could also cost the landlord more to be rectified. By ensuring a Minimum Housing Standards inspection is done before the repairs, you can check the proposed repairs are in line with the recommendations.

Making sure work is compliant and of good repair | Minimum Housing Standards | MHS Inspect

A comprehensive report that goes further than standard reports

After the inspection, we provide a comprehensive findings report which states whether the premises is compliant with the standards or not. If not, the issue(s) will be clearly identified. Our reports go even further.


We prioritise the risk

After identifying an issue we risk assess and prioritise it so you know its degree of severity and likelihood of occurrence.


We make recommendations

We make recommendations for repairs and rectification that, along with the prioritisation, allow you to plan maintenance work and expenditure more effectively for your landlord.

MHS Inspect Minimum Housing Standards Inspection Report | MHS Inspect

Why Choose MHS Inspect

We work with you and your tenants | MHS Inspect

We work with you and ease your tenants concerns

Our inspectors are well versed in working with property managers and tenants. We know how to work with multiple parties to carry out the inspection with minimal fuss and inconvenience. Once you’ve booked a Minimum Housing Standards inspection for your landlord we will arrange everything for you and we also issue an information guide to the tenant so they know what to expect. This is because we are also aware that sometimes our inspections are viewed by tenants as building and pest inspections which creates concern that the landlord is selling. Our experienced inspectors are well practiced and discrete in dealing with tenants, and our Minimum Housing Standards guide helps to alleviate any concerns.

Easy to book a Minimum Housing Standards Inspection | MHS Inspect

It’s simple to arrange a Minimum Housing Standards Inspection

To book your Minimum Housing Standards inspection, simply send through a work order to our team, including any access and tenant details. We will organise the inspection directly with your tenants at a day and time that is convenient for them. At the conclusion of the inspection, a comprehensive findings report will be emailed back to you.

MHS Inspect

We continue to work with you after the inspection

We operate differently to other inspection services in that we are here to help support and reduce your portfolio maintenance stress. We recognise that the first step to compliance with the Minimum Housing Standards is identification, however we also understand that rectifying issues can be even more stressful – particularly when you’re in between the tenant’s demands and the landlord’s focus on minimising expenditure. That’s where our comprehensive inspection report holds even greater value. Our prioritisation and recommendations approach means you can manage both the tenants expectations and the landlords expenditure more effectively than ever before. The issues don’t necessarily need to all be attended to at once.

Not only that, our network of referral partners can help you with these works, be it specialised inspections such as structural, electrical, pest, mould or even actual repair work by licensed trades, working as a partner with your agency we can help with your ongoing maintenance needs.

Book Your Minimum Housing Standards Inspection Today

Trust MHS Inspect to help you protect your landlords’ investments and keep their properties compliant. Simply click the “Book An Inspection” button below, fill out your details and we will be in contact with you to arrange a convenient time for your inspection.